I love adding new yarns to our shop and
Adagio Mills Weathered Wood and
Latte will not disappoint!
What colour is this yarn? |
We have had such fun naming Adagio Mills Weathered Wood. Boring engineer me initially named it Black Fawn... (made sense to me!! black fibre and fawn fibre.. black fawn. easy!) However a family member pointed out that the yarn really wasn't black so that would be confusing. So that got us talking... We kept saying maybe its "grey" or "rose grey" or "bay black" or "brown" but each time we put it near a similar shade of the colour in question it wasn't that at all! We put the adjacent photo up on Instagram and Facebook to see if anyone could help us name this yarn appropriately! (yarn in question is at the base of the photo and middle of the top section with black, grey, rosegrey and brown clockwise from left) We had so many wonderful suggestions including tweed and tortoiseshell but eventually settled on weathered wood.
Adagio Mills Weathered Wood on my front door step! |
Its also show to the right up against the railway sleepers that are my front doorstep! Just blends into our doorstep perfectly.
We decided to make some 4 ply and 8 ply from this fibre. Mainly to find out what yarns people would like to use so we now have 4, 5 and 8 ply yarns available. So we will see how they go...
We have also added a brown and fawn blend that we have called latte. It is just so soft and yummy!
I can't wait to see what everyone will make from these yarns!
Nice to see your enthu with the wool. I too am a huge lover of yarns.