Monday, January 28, 2013


We seem to have a new member on our farm! My neighbour and I have been watching the progress of this rooster along our road wondering if he will survive and if he will take up residence somewhere. Last night he decided that our front yard was the place to be and has been hanging around all day making very sad sounding cockadoodledoo sounds.

Friday, January 18, 2013

First tomatoes of the season!

Love home grown tomatoes, so much flavour! Was very excited this morning when I found our first tomatoes of the season and they didn't disappoint!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Treats for the steers

I can't believe how dry our paddocks are. We are right on the edge of a dam so we very rarely are dry. Last year we slashed our paddocks twice because our stock couldn't keep up with the growth of the grass, this year we don't have enough feed. So we have sourced some more feed for our stock. The steers thought it was such a treat! Even rolled in it! little bit worried that they are going to stuff themselves but we don't really have any other way to leave the food out for them. Please please please rain!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I love my alpacas

I love my alpacas, they have so much character! I have been making a special effort to encourage them to be comfortable around me, feeding them most days and gradually they have been responding. Especially since feed in our paddocks is low this year. (What a change from last year! Can't believe it!) They are nearly all eating from my hands and they all now come running when I call. (for food anyway!)
So this evening when we needed to move them to a different paddock I called them in for food and they came running. Once I'd shut them in the laneway and my husband had rearranged the gates  I collected some more food and started walking! To my delight and surprise they followed! With a small hiccough along the way (at the entrance to the next paddock they baulked and took off down the driveway... but with minimal encouragement they turned and sprinted towards the right paddock) they took off into the new paddock. One alpaca, Gedalyn, was so excited that she started to prance like a deer! So cute!